Monday, November 21, 2016

The Crybaby Movement

For the better part of two weeks, all I’ve been hearing from some Trump supporters is “The election is over, he won. It’s time to pick up the pieces, move on, unite as a country, get to work, and make America great again. Get over it, get on board, and give him a chance, you crybaby whiners.” I distinctly remember the hate and vitriol toward Obama after his first election. There was no "give him a chance." There was no unity, no mandate, no coming together. People were aghast by a man who had not threatened to build a wall or ban an entire religion or grab women by their pussies. A man who had not hired a white supremacist or bilked small business owners or hid his taxes or invited the Russians to interfere in our elections. No, I remember a man who got set off by the most minor slight. A man who attacked a Gold Star family, a former Ms. Universe, a disabled man, the media, the polls, Paul Ryan, the GOP. He was a petulant child, foot-stomping his way through the nomination and the general election. And taking to Twitter to air his grievances because THAT is presidential.  

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who has been the biggest crybaby of all? Trump and some of his supporters.

The protesters were Trump’s first target when he called them professional protesters, bought and paid for by the media. People are appalled, angry, and frightened and they’re protesting to express it. The backbone of Trump’s campaign was bigotry toward women, Hispanics, immigrants, African Americans, Muslims, and the LGBT community. No, Trump did not personally disparage every single one of these groups, but by bringing Steve Bannon on board, Trump embraced the vile, hateful rhetoric spewed by Breitbart and the alt-right. What the hell did he think would happen after being elected under this cloud of hatred while losing the popular vote? And despite his pledge during his acceptance speech to unite the country and be the president of all Americans, Trump immediately cried foul about the “unfair” protests on Twitter. He followed up the next day praising the “small groups of protesters” and their “passion for our great country.” I’m not sure if damage control was the intent, but it didn’t seem to work.

Trump renewed his crybaby Twitter attacks against the “failing” New York Times with “Neener-neener, I won, you were wrong, you suck” and “quit lying about the transition which is going just fine.” Yeah, nothing to see here...backlash from Bannon’s continued presence, continued talks about the wall and the Muslim registry, “inquiring” about security clearances for his kids while they’re managing the business (and then denying it), countless conflicts of interest, seeking to circumvent nepotism laws to bring his son-in-law on board, and a handful of other controversial possible cabinet picks.

Then there was Hamilton-gate. Mike Pence was politely asked by the multicultural gay/gay-friendly cast in a written statement to be inclusive of all Americans. Then Pence was booed by the multicultural gay/gay-friendly audience, which was told by the same multicultural gay/gay-friendly cast not to boo Pence. Trump unleashed another crying Twitter torrent saying the rude cast of the “highly overrated” show harassed Pence and demanded that they apologize. Yes, the same man who hurled utterly despicable garbage throughout his campaign and never apologized wants the Hamilton cast to apologize.

Trump has demonstrated his lack of presidential prowess since that fateful ride down the escalator last year. I assumed that his constant crying about everything being unfair, rigged, wrong, lying, and biased would end after the election. But it hasn’t, and it’s setting a terrible example for his supporters. He continues to exhibit thin-skinned, temperamental reactions to every perceived slight, and his supporters appear to be acting in kind. They’re lashing out at anything they see as an expression of distaste for Trump and calling non-supporters crybabies who need to get over it. My question is, if Trump supporters are so happy and proud that he won, why are they crying about what Trump detractors are saying and jumping all over them when they do? It’s time to toughen up and hang on for the ride, Trump people. It’s going to be a long four years.  

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